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Calea Dorobantilor nr. 135-145, bl. 10,sc a, et. IV, ap. 23, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
tel./fax: +40 21 -231 68 17
sos. Gaiesti nr 1, Targoviste, jud. Dambovita, Romania
tel./fax: +40 245-217 859
str. David Prodan nr. 9, Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj, Romania
tel./fax: +40 264-403 001



Send mail to office@rimag.ro with questions or orders about produc shown on this web site.

Calea Dorobantilor nr. 135-145, bl. 10,sc a, et. IV, ap. 23, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania   tel./fax: +40 21 -231 68 17